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03/22/2023 08:11 AM

Clinton Fire and Ice Festival Postponed to April

The inaugural Fire and Ice Festival that was originally planned for Saturday, March 25 in Clinton has been rescheduled to Saturday, April 22 due to potential inclement weather, organizers announced.

John Allen, an organizer of the event, said that the festival will be held on April 22 at Clinton Town Beach, featuring all of the originally scheduled entertainment. The event will run from 2 to 8 p.m.

The festival , meant as a farewell to winter and a hello to spring, will have local musicians, a DJ-run karaoke, and the big draw of the day—a bonfire on the beach.

Refreshments include coffee from Starbucks, pizza from Frank Andrews Mobile Kitchen, and hot chocolate.

Allen said the day is meant for families and kids of all ages. In addition to refreshments, there will be games for kids, sign-ups for summer activities like Little League and the Clinton Sailing Club, sign-ups for those interested in the VFW, and applications for summer jobs via the Clinton Parks and Recreation Department. There will also be shell fishing licenses for sale.