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03/02/2023 08:22 AM

Branford’s Education Board Adopts Net Zero Resolution for School District

Press Release, Branford Board of Education

The Branford Board of Education (BOE) recently adopted a resolution memorializing its commitment to reducing the school district’s production of carbon emissions and eliminating its use of fossil fuels by the year 2040.

With the support of Branford’s Ad Hoc Clean Energy Committee, created in 2019 by First Selectman Cosgrove, a net zero approach will be utilized. Net zero is when a building is so energy efficient, that with renewable energy, it can make as much energy as it consumes. Net zero buildings are not only more comfortable and healthier, but also reduce expenditures for energy and maintenance.

This goal is in line with Governor Lamont’s commitment to 100% renewable energy to help counter the effects of climate change and promote energy independence and community health. In working toward these goals, the district shall adopt and implement process and evaluative tools throughout its operations.

Notably, the resolution also commits to a focus on “effective environmental and sustainability education across all grade levels.”

The student BOE members have expressed appreciation that the school board is taking this important action to address widespread concern for their environmental futures.

You can access the full body of the resolution here.