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02/08/2023 01:09 PM

New Fermentation Tanks Will Support Stony Creek Brewery Retail Growth

After receiving zoning approval from Branford in December, 2022, Stony Creek Brewery (SCB) announced on Feb. 8 moving forward with the addition of a brewery fermentation tank building beside a portion of the existing facility at 5 Indian Neck Ave. The addition will support growing retail production at the brewery. This rendering by Branford architect Joseph Sepot shows the new installation at left. Image Capture from BCTV Facebook.

After receiving zoning approval from Branford in December, 2022, Stony Creek Brewery (SCB) is moving forward with the addition of a brewery fermentation tank building, or “tank farm” beside a portion of the existing facility at 5 Indian Neck Ave. The addition will support growing retail production at the brewery.

In an SCB press release issued Feb. 8, SCB CEO Dan Shannon said new partnerships, collaborations and changing trends in the beverage industry led SCB to position itself for future growth with the new tank farm, which brings SCB from its current brewing capacity of 48,000 barrels to 100,000 barrels.

"Stony Creek Brewery started as a contract partner, initially brewing at another Connecticut brewery in 2010, and to reciprocate brewing for other brewers in need has been fulfilling. This expansion allows for greater options in both volume and package types for other brewers from around the country,“ Shannon stated in the press release.

On December 8, 2022, Branford’s Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) approved, with conditions, SCB’s requests for modification to the existing Planned Development District (PDD) and master plan to allow for the addition.

Designed by Branford architect Joseph Sepot, who also designed the original brewery facility, which opened in 2015; the 1,926 square foot building addition will be constructed beside the covered boardwalk entry leading to SCB’s tasting room. It will add 10 additional fermentation tanks to the brewery, as well as one grain silo. The design calls for industrial-style weather proof tanks which protrude through the roof of the building, which will be enclosed to protect the working elements of the tanks.

Speaking with the PZC on December 8, Meaghan Miles, attorney (Carmody Law, New Haven) for the applicant, said the increase is needed in order to brew additional beer to meet demand and growth of SCB’s retail sales, including research and development and the opportunity for flavor partnerships with local businesses. She said the brewery’s products are now shipped and sold throughout the greater New England area.

“It's a big part of their economic business model,” said Miles.

The building addition will not be open to patrons of the brewery.

Miles also noted it is a building of appropriate scale, designed in harmony with intent of the PDD and intended uses of the site, and a “...nice addition to support the success of the brewery.”

Information from Town staff provided to the PZC noted the proposed increase in size required the request for a special exception; that the request met bulk requirements of the current PDD as well as parking requirements; that the project was exempt from the need for a coastal site plan review; that a landscaping plan was provided; that lighting, if required in the future, would need to comply with zoning requirements; and that the plan did not require erosion or sediment control plans as, during construction, no material will be stockpiled on the site.

View the full Dec. 8 Branford Planning and Zoning Meeting at BCTV on Facebook.