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02/08/2023 04:27 PM

American Legion Celebrates Oratorical Contest Winner

American Legion District 7 Oratorial Committee members Eileen Richard (left) and Phil Sengle (center) present Darren Sengphachanh with a certificate recognizing his first-place finish in Post 61’s oratorical contest on Feb.4. Photo courtesy of American Legion Post 61.

The Deep River American Legion Post 61 held its annual High School Oratorical Contest on Feb. 4 at the Winthrop Baptist Church. Darren Sengphachanh, a junior at Xavier High School in Middletown, was the first-place winner, and he received a certificate and a check. Sam Sengphachanh, the contestant's father, was present. We hope to see Darren again next year. He lives with his parents in the Meriden area.

The first judge was Cynthia Stannard, a 42-year member of Auxiliary Unit 61, a banking executive, and a trustee of the Deep River Historical Society. The second judge was Kevin Clark, a Post 61 member, Navy veteran, and Xavier graduate.

Post 61 members who attended were Commander Bill Burdick, Senior Vice Commander Richard Nagot, Art Nedobity, Jerry Richard, Sergeant-at-Arms Doug Shomo, District 7 Auxiliary President Lillian Beardsley, and Clinton Post 66 member Phil Sengle. Alice Winschel Johnson, Auxiliary Unit 61, was recognized as a guest. She served in the American Legion Auxiliary for 82 years and is thought to be the national member with the most years of membership.

Eileen Richard, adjutant for Post 61, and Sengle are District 7 Oratorical Committee members.

The American Legion Oratorical contest allows high school students to demonstrate their knowledge of the Constitution and oration skills. It has been held at Posts across the country, leading to a National Contest in April since 1938. Past participants have been TV and radio host Lou Dobbs, U.S. Senator Alan Keyes, and former Vice President Mike Pence.

The American Legion Oratorical Committee members thank Winthrop Baptist Church for graciously allowing us to hold this contest about the Constitution of the United States at this historic church. When the student contestants speak at this contest, everyone learns something.

For more information about American Legion membership, call E. Richard at 203-494-7151.