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02/07/2023 08:29 AM

Police Join in Shoreline Diaper Drive

Bare Necessities, Inc is holding the sixth annual Law Enforcement Diaper Drive along the Shoreline through Wednesday, Feb. 15. Police Departments from Clinton, Madison, Guilford, Branford, North Branford, East Haven, and Troop F State Troopers in Westbrook will be participating. The public is asked to contribute diapers and wipes in the donation boxes at each of these departments. Bare Necessities, Inc hopes to build on the success of last year’s drive where 32,066 diapers and 24,573 wipes were collected. Diaper sizes 4-6 are most in need this year, and monetary donations are welcome as well.

About Diaper Need

Keeping infants and toddlers clean, dry, and healthy is key to building a solid foundation for all children to reach their full potential. Children cannot attend day-care, even government subsidized day care, without a day supply of disposable diapers. However, one in three mothers report suffering from diaper needs. Low-income families often cannot afford needed diapers and these children are at risk. Families often must cut back in other areas to provide diapers for their children.

Three-fourths of those with a diaper need reported making regular sacrifices in order to provide diapers. Over a quarter had to skip meals or take additional jobs to provide diapers for their children. Almost three in five, 57 percent, of families with a diaper need missed work due to an inadequate supply of diapers required to leave the child at daycare. On average, they miss four days of work per month (compared to one day in families without a diaper need). This limits job opportunities and provided additional financial burden.

Bare Necessities, Inc was founded in November 2015 as a non-profit organization based in Clinton, CT. Bare Necessities, Inc is a member of the National Diaper Bank Network and one of eight diaper banks in CT.

Bare Necessities, Inc distributes diapers and wipes for healthy daily life and stress-free environment through existing organizations such as food pantries and community services along the Connecticut shoreline.

To learn more about Bare Necessities CT, or to make a monetary donation or Amazon Wish List contribution, visit