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11/18/2022 08:49 AM

Fundraising for Veterans Hall Expansion Project Surpasses $60,000


One month into its matching gift challenge to help fund the expansion of Essex Veterans Memorial Hall, The Essex Foundation announced that more than $60,000 of the $100,000 goal is in hand. Every dollar up to $50,000 donated by individuals and organizations through The Essex Foundation is being matched 100 percent by the Foundation. The fundraising campaign was launched to support Essex Veterans Memorial Hall members in their efforts to welcome more community members and better serve their needs. Plans are in place to enlarge and renovate the kitchen, add a new porch and outdoor dining area, install a new roof and ADA-compliant ramp, and update the meeting room interior. Hall members will provide most of the labor but need the community’s help to raise $100,000 to cover all other expenses. “People are excited to help in any way they can and continue to get us closer to our goal,” commented Bruce Glowac, President of The Essex Foundation Board of Directors, “No contribution is too small or too large and, with our match, will have double the impact in helping maintain the Hall as a valuable asset in the community.”

Founded in 1970, The Essex Foundation, Inc is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization dedicated to making a difference in the lives of Essex citizens by providing support for new services and needs not met by other charitable organizations. Paul Knudsen, the Hall’s House Committee Chairman, who is overseeing the planning and construction work, presented the project parameters and funding request to The Foundation’s Board of Directors in June. Donations for the Essex Veterans Hall expansion project will be matched through November 30 (or until the total goal is reached) and are tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law. A gift of $50 to the Essex Foundation becomes $100 donated to Essex Veterans Memorial Hall. A gift of $250 will be matched with an additional $250. For more information and to donate online, go to To donate by mail, send a check payable to The Essex Foundation, with EVMH Project in the subject line, and mail it to PO Box 64, Essex, CT 06426

Essex Veterans Memorial Hall is the last known stand-alone, 501(c)(19) nonprofit veterans’ organization on the East Coast. After World War II the Town of Essex conveyed the Centerbrook Schoolhouse to the group for $1 with the stipulation that the organization remain intact and take full responsibility for maintaining the building. Located at 3 Westbrook Road Centerbrook, it now serves as a resource for 180 members, their families, and the greater community. Other nonprofit groups use the Hall free of charge for meetings and activities. Non-members can rent the space for special events and celebrations. With recent renovations, parking lot improvements, and the installation of a standby generator, also supported by grants from The Essex Foundation, the Hall can also be used as a community comfort station during storm-related power outages.