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09/18/2024 11:14 AM

Scranton Celebrates Library Card Sign-Up Month

September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, and the push is on at Scranton Memorial Library to ensure every resident has access to the library’s stacks and services.

“It’s National Library Card Sign-Up Month, and we’re trying to ensure that everyone in Madison has a library card,” said Scranton Library Director Allison Murphy.

According to Murphy, signing up for a card is simple, and cardholders have access to the library’s extensive collection of books and other items, such as magazines, newspapers, puzzles, and board games, to name a few. The library also maintains a Library of Things. Instead of books and magazines, patrons are able to check out numerous other items, including yard games, kitchen appliances, and sports equipment, among others. While this may be unorthodox to some, it is a great way to trial items that you may want to purchase, by borrowing them at your local library.

Murphy said that cardholders can come in and check out their items in person, or they can do so via the library app. The app allows patrons to access their library card account, see what books or items they may have checked out, and when they are due back to the library. It also allows users to view any new titles or books related to ones they may have read in the past.

For those who have never signed up for a library card or have not done so in a long time, the Scranton Memorial Library has a front desk that will assist with obtaining a free library card for Madison residents. Proof of residency is required.

For more information, call 203-245-7365 or visit