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01/17/2023 10:31 AM

Aniskovich Receives Committee Assignments

Following State Representative Chris Aniskovich (R) swearing-in to serve Connecticut's 35th District, he has received his committee assignments and outlined his goals for the term.

The 35th District, which serves Clinton, Killingworth, and northern Westbrook, is now officially served by Aniskovich following a swearing-in ceremony earlier this month. For the upcoming legislative session, Aniskovich will serve on the banking, commerce, and general law committees.

In a press release, Aniskovich said "Being a part of today's proceedings was truly a surreal experience. I am extremely honored to represent the residents of the 35th District in the General Assembly and eager to get started working on issues and finding solutions in a bipartisan manner."

The release also noted that this year is what is known as a long session in the legislature. "The "long session" is used to establish a state budget and introduce bills of a general nature. In the even-year "short session," the legislature can only consider bills directly related to the state budget, revenue, and financial matters, as well as committee bills or resolutions, and those matters certified to be of an emergency nature." The session runs from Jan. 4 to June 7.

Speaking with the Harbor News, Aniskovich said that he was excited to be on the committees he was selected for.

"We each gave a list of five committees we were interested in and then they narrow it down. The ones you get are ultimately ones you're interested in, and I like them all," said Aniskovich.

Aniskovich was elected to the state representative seat in November after beating incumbent Democrat Christine Goupil and Green Party challenger Hugh Birdsall in a three-way race. Aniskovich, a Clinton resident, is the current chairman of the Clinton Town Council, a position he's held since being elected in 2019. Professionally, Aniskovich is a mortgage broker at Security Financial Mortgage Group in Clinton, which he also owns.

That financial background is one that Aniskovich said will come in handy with some of his committee assignments.

"I have 30 years of experience with mortgages, so obviously, with banking, that's an easy connection. As for commerce, while campaigning, I met a lot of business owners. Our district is made up of a lot of small businesses, and we need to make sure they're supported and can remain open recovering from COVID," Aniskovich said.

Meanwhile, Aniskovich called the general law committee "intriguing" and said he was excited by that committee as well.

As for goals for the term, Aniskovich said he wants constituents to feel like they have their voice heard at the state level.

"You go in with a lot of goals and a lot of things you hear and are thinking about. It's going to be taking things you heard were issues and concerns during the campaign and bringing them up so people know they do have a voice and their wants and needs are being addressed," said Aniskovich.

Representative Aniskovich can be reached at, or by calling 860-240-8700.