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09/27/2022 03:18 PM

Wanted: Westbrook Veterans

In an effort to bolster participation, the Westbrook Board of Selectmen (BOS) is seeking to spread word about the town’s Veteran’s Day Ceremony on Nov. 11.

Veteran’s Day is an important day to honor all those that have served the nation and it provides the opportunity for some of the veterans to receive a simple “thank you” from the public. The day is celebrated every year at 11 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 11 on the Town Green. This year, the town is hoping to spread the word about the ceremony so that more veterans, as well as members of the public, attend the ceremony.

At the Sept. 13 BOS meeting, First Selectman John Hall said that last year’s ceremony was only sparsely attended and asked the BOS members to reach out to veterans in the community who may be available to attend.

Hall also appealed to the public to reach out if there are any veterans interested in participating in the day. Hall acknowledged the COVID-19 pandemic may have kept some people away the last two years, but added in general the ceremonies have tended to be small.

“It’s always been a small gathering, and I really think we can do better as a community to honor the veterans,” Hall said.

In addition to more veterans Hall said he would also like to see more people on hand to show their appreciation. With Veteran’s Day still several weeks a way Hall said plans for the ceremony are not finalized beyond the date and time.

Hall said feelers have been put out to the schools to see if students could be on hand to provide music and that he’s had some conversations with other groups in town about attending. Nothing has been finalized as of yet though according to Hall. “We want more veterans and we want more people to participate,” Hall said.

Those interested in participating in the event should contact the First Selectman’s office at 860-399-3040.