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03/29/2022 03:14 PMThe Regional School District #4 approved a proposed $21,685,239 budget for the 2022-’23 school year at its final budget meeting on March 16. The budget, which is used to operate the John Winthrop Middle School and Valley Regional High School, will move to a public presentation on Monday, April 4.
The approved budget calls for a $252,883 or 1.15 percent decrease in spending from the current year. It was developed and reviewed in four workshops from January to March before its final approval on March 16.
The budget calls for several priorities as identified by the Supervision District that are seen as crucial to the improvement of student success. These include the delivery of a strong core curriculum and instruction to all students, intervention for students in need of additional support, and social-emotional learning, the latter of which has carried over from the previous school year, with an increased need for support of student’s mental and emotional health due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
In its budget materials, the district notes that it is undertaking a strategic planning exercise for the next five years starting in the 2022-’23 school year that will cover the top priorities as determined by the administration.
The proposed budget will account for a projected drop in enrollment from 853 to 824 students in the district for the 2022-’23 year. Under the budget proposal and based on projected enrollment numbers, $4,937,881 would be paid by Chester taxpayers, $7,432,540 by Deep River taxpayers, and $8,821,319 by Essex taxpayers with the remainder offset by anticipated revenues.
The budget will be presented for a public hearing at 7 p.m. on April 4. A referendum on the budget is set for Tuesday, May 3. Visit for attendance details and complete budget documents.