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12/08/2021 06:00 AM

Sounds of the Season at the Parmelee Farm

Photo by Wesley Bunnell/The Source

The Parmelee Farm held a tree lighting ceremony preceded by music and caroling on Dec. 4. The Haddam-Killingworth Middle School singers as well as carolers from Blue Fire Stage Company, shown here, performed. The event was sponsored by The Killingworth Lions Club and Middlesex Chamber of Commerce, Killingworth Division.

Parmalee Farm held a tree lighting ceremony which was preceded by music and caroling on December 4, 2021. The HKMS signers as well as carolers from Blue Fire Stage Company performed. The event was sponsored by The Killingworth Lions Club & Middlesex Chamber of Commerce, Killingworth Division/ Wesley Bunnell / The Source
!Parmalee Farm held a tree lighting ceremony which was preceded by music and caroling on December 4, 2021. The HKMS signers as well as carolers from Blue Fire Stage Company performed. The event was sponsored by The Killingworth Lions Club & Middlesex Chamber of Commerce, Killingworth Division/. Adam Coppola uses the light of the tree and the menorah of Jayden Smalley, Alexa Coppola, Ashton Smalley and Paige Coppola. Wesley Bunnell / The Source
Parmalee Farm held a tree lighting ceremony which was preceded by music and caroling on December 4, 2021. The HKMS signers as well as carolers from Blue Fire Stage Company, shown here, performed. The event was sponsored by The Killingworth Lions Club & Middlesex Chamber of Commerce, Killingworth Division. Wesley Bunnell / The Source
Parmalee Farm held a tree lighting ceremony which was preceded by music and caroling on December 4, 2021. The HKMS signers as well as carolers from Blue Fire Stage Company performed. The event was sponsored by The Killingworth Lions Club & Middlesex Chamber of Commerce, Killingworth Division. Children are shown stopping to admire the menorah. Wesley Bunnell / The Source
Parmalee Farm held a tree lighting ceremony which was preceded by music and caroling on December 4, 2021. The HKMS signers as well as carolers from Blue Fire Stage Company performed. The event was sponsored by The Killingworth Lions Club & Middlesex Chamber of Commerce, Killingworth Division. Children are shown stopping to admire the menorah. Wesley Bunnell / The Source
Parmalee Farm held a tree lighting ceremony which was preceded by music and caroling on December 4, 2021. The HKMS signers as well as carolers from Blue Fire Stage Company, shown here, performed. The event was sponsored by The Killingworth Lions Club & Middlesex Chamber of Commerce, Killingworth Division. Wesley Bunnell / The Source