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09/16/2020 07:30 AM

Safety First at Ferrara Elementary School

Photo by Kelley Fryer/The Courier

Ferrara Elementary School is back in session. Here, Kazato Saito and Himari Shinohara get some hand sanitizer from math coach Maryann Brennan before entering the school.

Ferrara Elementary School was back in session, with the parent drop off, buses all going smoothly. The students were given hand sanitizer before entering the school. Isybella Burwell and Hailey Hotchkiss run down the hill to school.Photo by Kelley Fryer/The Courier
Ferrara Elementary School was back in session, with the parent drop off, buses all going smoothly. The students were given hand sanitizer before entering the school.Photo by Kelley Fryer/The Courier
Ferrara Elementary School was back in session, with the parent drop off, buses all going smoothly. The students were given hand sanitizer before entering the school.Photo by Kelley Fryer/The Courier
Ferrara Elementary School was back in session, with the parent drop off, buses all going smoothly. The students were given hand sanitizer before entering the school.Photo by Kelley Fryer/The Courier
Ferrara Elementary School was back in session, with the parent drop off, buses all going smoothly. The students were given hand sanitizer before entering the school.Photo by Kelley Fryer/The Courier