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09/17/2019 12:00 AM

Breakwater Books Seeks New Owner

Breakwater Books on the Guilford Green is once again available for sale.Photo by Jesse Williams/The Courier

A part of the Guilford community for almost 50 years, Breakwater Books is ready to turn the page on a new chapter—though it might still be an entirely recognizable one. Owner Liza Fixx, who took over Breakwater in 2017 and had worked with the store for a handful of years before that, is looking for someone with an appreciation for the store’s history and a passion for books and service to purchase the business.

“I’m looking for someone who is absolutely dedicated to continuing the legacy of the bookstore,” said Fixx. “I think we’ve never lost the heart of who we are, and who we’ve been, as a bookstore.”

Fixx came into Breakwater after spending 20 years as an elementary school teacher, and also dabbling in marketing. She described the experience of owning Breakwater as extremely fulfilling, and said she worked hard to carry on the vision of previous owner Maureen Corcoran while still helping to store evolve and adapt.

Fixx said her reason for selling the store is purely personal.

“After having my head down...for almost three years, accomplishing all that we did...I really missed having flexibility to spend time with my family,” she said. “I have kids who are at very exciting times in their lives.”

Fixx said one of her children recently got engaged, and the reality of being a small business owner was that she rarely could take significant time off of work.

“It took me all summer to come to the decision—it was not an easy decision to make,” she said. “[Breakwater] is my baby, and I’m proud of the store, and I’m devoted to the store...but I just need to have more flexibility with my life.”

Sitting in a building that was built in 1749, the store has been the site of a Hollywood movie shooting and has persevered through all the changes in digital and online sales that has upended many brick-and-mortar booksellers.

Fixx said during her tenure, she focused on keeping Breakwater modern and relevant, but never at the expense of the store’s soul.

Fixx said one accomplishment she was particularly proud of was renovating the unique space that holds Breakwater.

“It is such an incredibly space...but it hadn’t been touched in 35 years,” said Fixx

Expanding the front room allowed the store to host events, something Fixx said it had not been able to do before. She also oversaw the creation of a dedicated children’s book space, for which she was able to draw on her many years as a teacher.

The store did not close during these renovations, which Fixx said in retrospect was a “massive project.”

Other improvements Fixx implemented include an update to software and hardware, revaluating inventory, and creating a social media presence for Breakwater.

These sorts of improvements, Fixx said, allowed the store to better engage with modern audiences, and expand its customer base.

As far as what she hopes to see in the future, Fixx was adamant that the next owner have an understanding of what makes Breakwater so special.

“It’s more just your overall capability, energy, desire, passion, commitment,” said Fixx.

For more information on Breakwater Books, visit Those interested in ownership opportunities amy contact Liza Fixx at