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05/20/2019 12:00 AM

Clinton’s Free Lunch Fridays Returning this Summer

Thanks to efforts from Families Helping Families (FHF), children—and adults—will be able to receive a free lunch every Friday this summer at the Henry Carter Hull Library located at 10 Killingworth Turnpike.

Starting Friday, June 14, and lasting through Friday, Aug. 23, kids and their families can get food every Friday between 12:15 and 1:15 p.m. Miner Vincent, the president of FHF, said that no registration is needed and that people can just show up. Though the event was conceived as a way to feed kids during the summer, Vincent said that adults are welcome as well.

“We always have people showing up. The kids love it, you’d be shocked at the number of people who show up with their grandparents,” said Vincent.

The meals are provided by [chow] Food and Beverage Co., and there will be other food available to take home for the rest of the week as well, according to Vincent.

In addition to the meal, the program will also offer experiences and entertainment. Vincent said that on several occasions through the summer there will be special guests during the meal time. In the past those guests have included Sonny the police dog, therapy dogs, the Clinton Volunteer Fire Department, the Department of Public Works, and a demonstration on bike safety from Paul Egan, who is known to many in the Clinton area as “The Bike Guy,” who Vincent said has donated more than 400 bikes for free as part of FHF.

“It seems like the kids like them all,” Vincent said.

Vincent said the program has been going for four years, and has been operated out of the library for three years. In the past, the series was held at the Town Hall Annex, and was associated with a federal program that had more stringent guidelines about who could receive the food. The program was started to help kids who rely upon the school to provide meals, but then face the summer months without that assistance.

“We’re just happy to do it. It’s really gratifying to see the community room full every Friday,” Vincent said.