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03/06/2019 06:00 AM

Extra! Extra! Newsies Coming to the VRHS Stage

Valley Regional Musical Productions rehearses for the upcoming musical Newsies, which opens Friday, March 8 and run, through Sunday, March 10 at Valley Regional High School. Here, Connor Riordan (Jack) rallies the newspaper carriers.Photo by Kelley Fryer/The Courier

It’s a story more than 100 years old, but with themes of youth involvement and a charged media environment, it’s ripped from current headlines. This year’s Valley Regional High School spring musical is Newsies, the show based on the 1992 musical film itself inspired by the real-life Newsboys Strike of 1899 in New York City, when a bunch of spirited young newsboys banded together and became unlikely heroes fighting against an unscrupulous newspaper tycoon.

Director Ingrid Walsh felt this was a perfect show for the current climate of allegations of fake news and a growing youth movement.

“This show has always been a bucket list show for me, so when they finally released the rights to it, I knew I wanted to do it right away,” said Walsh. “Newsies has a current theme and it’s a great show, with wonderful music and ensemble pieces and a great message for this package of kids to relate to, because the majority of parts represent youths.”

She added, “The basis of the plot is set during a two-week period that changed history. It also represents the beginning of yellow journalism and fake news, which I think is very relevant to what’s going on in today’s society, so not only is this show fun, but it also brings these issues into focus and stresses how our youth are trying now, as they did then, to rise up and stand up for and protect their world.”

Valley Regional High School Senior Jon Leffingwell, who plays Joseph Pulitzer in the show, said, “Newsies is a high-energy, fun show with great music and great dialog with funny lines and a serious, great cast.”

He added, “Every year we have great show, thanks to Ingrid, who puts everything into these musicals.”

Walsh has won several awards for the Valley musicals in the past and the hope is that this year’s performance will follow suit.

For Valley Regional High School senior Abby Johnson, who is playing Medda Larkin in the show, this is her fourth year being part of the school’s musical productions. She says it’s like being part of an extended family.

“This character is my favorite so far, because it is the most ‘out there,’ so I get to play the craziest side of myself, which is really fun,” said Johnson. “I always know that no matter what else is going on, once I get to musical practice, I will always feel better.”

Leffingwell feels the same, and strongly suggests to other high school students to get involved with the musical next year.

“We have a lot of fun together, no matter what your part is. We are all here for each other and we become one big family by the end of the show, and make life-long friends through our shared experience,” said Leffingwell.

Due in part to the fact that last year’s musical production was disrupted by a major storm, which caused power outages and reduced attendance, ticket prices for this year’s show have nudged up to $15 for adults and $12 for seniors and children under 10.

“I never really wanted to increase prices, but after last year, and our outstanding bills, I checked around to see what other schools charged for their shows and we were really low, so even now with the small increase in price we are less than what many other high school musical performances charge,” Walsh said.

Newsies is a show that I think everyone will love,” said Johnson. “There is comedy, seriousness, great music, cool visuals and a really great story. I hope everyone comes to check it out.”


Newsies comes to the Valley Regional High School (VRHS) stage on Friday, March 8 at 7 p.m., Saturday March 9 at and 7 p.m., and Sunday March 10, at 1 p.m. Tickets are on sale at VRHS; Celebrations, 161 Main Street, Deep River; and Toys Ahoy! 43 Main Street, Essex.