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04/05/2018 05:20 PMApril 5, 2018: Science teachers Meghann Redman and Lauren Sheehan have been awarded a professional development grant provided by the Fund For Teachers (FFT) organzation today at North Branford High School (NBHS).
The recognition was celebrated at the school today with two past NHBS FFT award recipients on-hand, Chelsea Dodds and Rebekah Polemeni, joining FFT's Lili Brown together with Kevin Ashley and Linea Koehler of the philanthropic Dalio Foundation in congratulating Sheehan and Redman.
According to the Fund for Teachers website, the organization "...supports educators' efforts to develop skills, knowledge and confidence that impact student achievement. By trusting teachers to design unique fellowships, Fund for Teachers grants validate teachers' professionalism and leadership, as well. Since 2001, Fund for Teachers has invested 30 million in nearly 8,000 teachers, transforming grants into growth for teachers and their students."
FTT annually selects hundreds of "FTT Fellows" based on teacher grant applications received from around the world. For 2018, FFT awarded a total $2.2 million in grants to 487 fellows from 89 countries on six continents.
Redman and Sheehan received grants for their project to research in the Florida Keys the ecological impacts of Hurricane Irma, to lead student learning around biodiversity and community interactions following a large scale natural disaster and prepare them as environmental change agents, according to the FFT website here