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06/27/2017 12:00 AM

The Westbrook High School Class of 2017

Mortarboards go flying at the Westbrook High School Class of 2017 graduation on June 19. Photo by Kelley Fryer/Harbor News

The following members of the Westbrook High School Class of 2017 were awarded diplomas at commencement exercises held June 19 at the high school.

* National Honor Society

David G. Amendola, Jr.

Brandi Lind Andrade*

Maya R. Asby

Richard E. Arkinson III

Alexander Leonardo Barzallo

Madison Edwards Beebe*

Liam J. Bell

Adara Bochanis

Casey Burns

Patricia Calle

Ashlyn Chamberlain

Tyjah Alexa Childs

Chase E. Cook

Adam Czochara

Dan D’Amico

Jay M. Donlan*

Katie Reed Dowd

Griffin Joseph Drum*

Zoe Marie Ehlert*

SaraRose Einsmann*

Biancè J. Ferrucci

Matthew William Gallagher*

Kiely C. Gioello

Samuel Glaser

Cody A. Greaves

Philip Ryan Hartzell

Austin Herzy

Victoria Holton*

Emily Rose Hotkowski

Garrett William Indich

Zachary Blade Jacobs*

Keysi Anahi Jara Calle*

Lauren Elizabeth Kane*

Eric J. Knudsen

Timothy David Knudsen

Olivia Leary

Callie Elizabeth Liberatore

Kylie A. Magee

Natalia Dias Martins

Sabrina Souza Martins*

Dylan Martinson

Frank Marx

Jason Kyle Matunas*

Molly Rose McGuigan

Caitlin Victoria McNary*

Sebastian Mejia Guzman

Alyssa Lee Miller

Matthew C. Morande

Maxwell Morris

Kevin Morrissey*

Cory Nicholas Muckle

Alexa Jean Mulvihill’

Lindsey Neri*

Cole Newberg

Matthew John Ossa

Nicholas J. Perregaux

Michelle Pesantez*

Isabella Julia Raffone*

Rosa Stefany Ramones

Jason Raunikar*

Hayden W. Richardson

Sarah Ellen Ruppenicker

Thomas L.C. Sands

Connor Sestrom

Marc A. Solis

Avery Sumner

Aerial Ulanowicz

Cassandra Vitti

Gregory Wnek

Maxwell Woynar

Jacqueline Rose Zambrano

Adriana Anabela Zapata Cardenas

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Soon-to-be-graduates file in for the 57th commencement exercises at Westbrook High School. Photo by Kelley Fryer/Harbor News
Alexa Mulvihill shakes hands with Salutatorian Zachary Jacobs and Callie Liberatore greets Valedictorian Jason Matunas as they process to their seats. Photo by Kelley Fryer/Harbor News
Due to weather, the Westbrook High School Class of 2017 celebrated commencement indoors on June 19.Photo by Kelley Fryer/Harbor News
Superintendent of Schools Patricia A. Ciccone and Principal Tara A. Winch greet the Westbrook High School Class of 2017. Photo by Kelley Fryer/Harbor News
Members of the Westbrook High School Class of 2017 capture the moment.Photo by Kelley Fryer/Harbor News
Isabella Raffone, Tyjah Childs, Biance Ferrucci, Maya Ashby, and Nick Perregaux.Photo by Kelley Fryer/Harbor News
Class President Austin Herzy and parents Doug and Traci pose for a photo after graduation. Photo by Kelley Fryer/Harbor News