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10/25/2016 05:00 PM

Solarize Program Come to Deep River

Residents of Deep River have most likely heard all about Solarize programs—but always for other towns. That changes now. Solarize Chester/Deep River kicks off with a workshop on Wednesday, Nov. 2 at the Deep River Town Hall, and residents have until Feb. 8 to get their homes assessed and signed up for the solar incentive program.

“We’re just following the lead of Chester this time around,” said Deep River Second Selectman David Oliveria. “This is the second time they’ve done it.”

First Selectman Angus McDonald got the process started by inquiring about interest in town, after the Town of Chester invited Deep River to join its program. Chester’s first program succeeded in getting solar panels installed on about 25 homes. Solarize works by securing commitments from groups of homeowners to purchase solar panels, which enables bulk discounts.

“By making a big purchase for a lot of houses getting solar panels, they’re able to reduce the cost for individual installations,” said Oliveria. “The team offers the smarts in vetting the right installer and then getting a reduced price.”

Volunteers in town—the Chester Energy Team and a planned Deep River Energy Team—help coordinate the program by investigating state and federal incentives and grants, and vetting solar companies that offered bids. Anyone who signs up for the program is guaranteed the best discounts available thanks to their diligence. Financing is also available; residents can buy the panels outright, carry a loan over a couple of years, or even enter a purchase plan in which they pay the cost back through the energy produced by the panels. It’s possible to get the panels installed with no up-front costs.

The first step is getting a home assessment to see if a site is suitable for solar panels. To get started, visit Homeowners are also encouraged to attend the series of meetings that will take place over the next two weeks.

Current owners of photovoltaic panels are encouraged to participate in the Solarize program, as well—as ambassadors.

“The ambassadors would be encouraged to come to the workshops and talk about the benefits that they’ve seen,” Oliveria said. “We’re also asking if they would be interested in being members of a Deep River Energy Team.”

Anyone in Deep River is encouraged to join the team, which will help encourage clean energy in town. When enough names are collected, they will be brought before the Board of Selectmen to charter the new group.

Oliveria noted that, for homeowners, the savings are huge—plus there’s the benefit of working with a vetted solar installed, in this case C-Tec Solar.

“It appears to be about a 20 percent additional savings in installing it through this program,” he said.

Solarize Chester/Deep River kicks off with a workshop on Wednesday, Nov. 2 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Deep River Town Hall Auditorium, 174 Main Street. For info, visit