NB's Dog Park Leaping Toward August Opening
North Branford's first Dog Park is leaping ahead with plans to open the gates as soon as mid-to-late August.
"We've made a lot of great steps," said Eric Hodgson, founder of the grassroots citizen's group North Branford (NB) Unleashed!
NB Unleashed! is partnering with the Town of North Branford to bring about the town's first Dog Park.
"The location has been decided, we created a basic plan and we've gotten quotes for fencing and benches. We have enough money at the moment to get started. We're on board to really build the park after the Potato and Corn Festival," said Hodgson.
The festival takes place this year on August 5, 6 and 7.
All volunteer non-profit NB Unleashed! has raised nearly $12,000 in order to purchase the needed fencing, add benches, signage, a dog waste station and trash receptacles. The town has provided land beside the former Augur Farm pole barn on Forest Road, at the edge of the town's Swajchuk recreational land.
"We're kind of tucked in a corner. It's a good location because we have woods around some of the periphery and one side is a building; so that's actually decreased the cost of fencing," said Hodgson. "The initial part of the park is going to be three-quarters of an acre, which is a little smaller than what we planned, but it's great location with very safe parking that's readily available. It's also very flat and so it's handicapped accessible. It's been a great place to start."
In April, Hodgson and town officials from Parks and Recreation and Public Works walked the site to determine the final layout of the park. In addition to purchasing fencing with money raised from donations, the initial installation will include at least two new metal benches purchased for $500 each by two sponsors. NB Unleashed! is accepting donations to eventually add other features, such as a fenced-in area for "small or shy" dogs to share, said Hodgson.
One of the latest fundraising efforts underway is set up at a GoFundMe page which can be visited here Donations are also welcome by check to the Town of North Branford with "Dog Park" in the memo.
Hodgson, a New Haven MD, has been working to bring about a North Branford public dog park for over four years. During that time, he got involved with the community by serving as a member of the Economic Development Commission and on the Town Council (he no longer serves with either town body).
About two years ago, Hodgson and other interested members of the community brought a proposal from North Branford Unleashed! to the Town Council, seeking to collaborate on creating the park. The council agreed to try to have the town assist, if NB Unleashed! could raise an initial $10,000 to help provide items needed for the park. Hodgson said it's been a remarkable to effort to produce a new public facility supported by donations from individuals, businesses and other sponsors from the community.
"I'm really excited, and a lot of other people in town are excited," said Hodgson. "I've been involved in Economic Development in the town and I can't think of another project like this one."
The new Dog Park will be a town park, open from dawn to dusk just like any of the town's playgrounds. As with the other playgrounds, "...people that use it are using it at their own discretion and risk," noted Hodgson. "They have to know the temperament of their dog to know if its appropriate for it to visit a dog park."
Hodgson said the questions he's asked and answered the most are about maintenance and liability.
"It's a town park on town land, so the town is providing the basic maintenance; but it's also like any other park where a visitor is expected to pick up after yourself," said Hodgson. "We'll make it as easy as possible for people; but just like you would at a children's playground, we expect people to pick up after themselves."
In terms of liability, the protocol is the same as it is for any other town park, Hodgson said.
"The only liability for the town is making sure that the park is created properly," he said. "People will use the park at their own risk. Connecticut law is very clear; the person who is minding the dog is liable for the dog's actions."
Hodgson said the game plan is to begin working with Public Works Director Fran Merola to install the fencing and benches in early August.
"Our goal is to complete the first stage of park by August. Once that's created, we'll concentrate on adding in the small dog area," said Hodgson.
NB Unleashed! also has plans to install an information kiosk, signs and other elements -- all perfect Eagle Scout community projects. The group welcomes contact from local Scouting or other organizations willing to assist.
Hodgson reiterated NB Unleashed! is honored to have helped the town to shepherd in a project that grew out of a community effort combined with town support.
"It may seem like it's taken a long time, but I think things like this should go slowly," said Hodgson. "I think it's creating an open process that way; and going slow is the best way to create to something lasting."
For more information and updates, find "North Branford Unleashed! Citizens Supporting a North Branford Dog Park" on Facebook. Tax-deductible checks may be sent to North Branford Town Hall, 909 Foxon Road, North Branford CT 06471 (write '"Dog Park" in the memo).