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04/05/2016 03:55 PM

Polson Roof Replacement to be Completed this Summer in Madison

The town is now in the final stages of replacing the Walter C. Polson Middle School roof. At the Board of Selectmen regular meeting on March 28, the board voted to award the bid for the replacement to the lowest responsible bidder with plans to complete the project this summer.

The bid was awarded to Imperial Company Restoration and Roofing Contractors of Cromwell, with a budget of $476,000.

“This is the roof over the new gym, gym lobby, fitness room, and wrestling room,” said Board of Education Chair Jean Fitzgerald. “It covers approximately 26,000 square feet.”

Fitzgerald said this is the last section of the roof that will need to be replaced for the foreseeable future.

“This is the final section until we will need to replace the 2004 section sometime around 2030,” she said. “The roof was over 25 years old and out lived its life and needs to be replace.”

Construction will have no impact on the current or next year’s school day.

“The construction should start on or about June 20, 2016 and end on or before Aug. 13, 2016,” she said.