Local News
Firefighters Bring the Heat for Madison Souper Bowl
02/03/2016 06:00 AM EST •
02/03/2016 06:00 AM EST
Madison Hose Co. #1 firefighter and firehouse chef Mike Selmani dishes out some award winning chili to Shannon Schiesser at the Madison Chamber of Commerce’s Souper Bowl on Jan. 30. The warmup for this weekend’s Super Bowl was well attended and featured some fierce competition. In the end, Hose Co. #1’s chili (made in a team effort, Selmani said) took top honors for chili (the North Madison Volunteer Fire Company took second) and Donahue’s Madison Beach Grille won first place for soup with Culinary Concerts coming in second. Visit www.madisonct.com for a full list of participants and upcoming events.