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10/29/2013 12:00 AM

A Learning Voyage Underway

The 2013-14 Guilford High School “Voyages and Vessels” class are shown here during a hull lab at Jacob’s Beach recently.

At Guilford High School, a new learning voyage is underway --  thanks to the “Voyages and Vessels" course.

Now in its second year, this popular interdisciplinary class at GHS was developed by a combined effort of English Department faculty members Cara Mulqueen-Teasdale and Julia Chaffe and Integrated Technology faculty member David Hackett.

Hackett and Teasdale co-teach the class, which uses maritime literature and technical texts to improve reading and writing skills as students build vessels on their own.

Earlier this month, the students traveled to Jacob's Beach, to make test runs on the water in small boats with different hull shapes as a research assignment.

Back at school, the juniors and seniors went to work on constructing paddles for the small boats they will build themselves and test on the water next spring.

Students take to the water to research the results of various small boat hull shapes.
GHS 2013-14 Voyages and Vessels class members and instructors.