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05/16/2013 12:00 AM

McPherson Will Seek Third Term as First Selectman

First Selectman Fillmore McPherson announced this afternoon (Thursday) that he would seek a third term as first selectman. At the front door of the Madison Town Hall at the Town Campus, the Republican said he would seek his party's nomination for another term. "I am proud to serve the good people of the town of Madison," he said.

"I began my term in one of the worst economic climates known in our country. Yet Madison has remained strong. We listened. We adjusted. And our last budget, passed just this week by a margin of nearly two to one, maintains our services, rebuilds our town and prepares for the future," he said.

McPherson cited a series of accomplishments ranging from reorganization of the Police Department to a streamlined town government and then added, "And, oh by the way, together we survived three uninvited visits by Mother Nature and her unruly children Irene, Sandy and Blizzard. I hope she does not drop by again, but we continue  to make preparations in case she does."

McPherson was joined at the podium by Diane Stadterman, a Republican selectman. She said she will also seek re-election.