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05/13/2013 12:00 AM

May 20th Kicks Off Click It or Ticket Campaign

Click It or Ticket to Boost Seat Belt Use -Day and Night Guilford Police 2013 High Visibility Enforcement Campaign Begins May 20th, 2013

As motorists take to the roads this Memorial Day holiday, Guilford police are urging everyone to buckle up. Beginning May 20th - June 2nd, 2013 law enforcement officials will be out in full force, taking part in the 2013 national “Click It or Ticket” seat belt enforcement mobilization and cracking down on motorists who are no belted.

Over the years Click It or Ticket seat belt enforcement mobilization has saved thousands of lives with the help of law enforcement officers, highway safety officials and safety advocates across the country. Unfortunately, hundred of thousands of other motorists and passengers still aren’t getting the message.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Safety Administration, from 2006-2010, 130,854 passenger vehicle occupants were killed in motor vehicle crashes and over half (54 percent) were unrestrained. As a partner in this year’s Click It or Ticket mobilization, The Guilford Police Department will be increasing high-visibility belt enforcement efforts to save more lives on our roadways.

Guilford motorists can expect to see an increase in officers helping save more lives by strongly enforcing seat belt laws around the clock including at night.

It’s a simple fix to save your life and the life of a loved one. Encourage your loved ones to always buckle up. Statistics from NHTSA show that seat belt use saves thousands of lives across America and in 2012 alone seat belts saved an estimated 12,546 lives nationwide. An additional 3,688 lives would have been saved if all unrestrained passenger vehicle occupants five and older involved in fatal crashes had worn their seat belts. Seat belts save lives, but must be used to do so.

Remember: Officers are making it a priority to save more lives by cracking down on seatbelt use violators during the day, and also at night. Encourage your family and friends to always buckle could save them the cost of a ticket, and even their life. Click It or Ticket.

For more on the national Click It or Ticket mobilization, please visit