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04/25/2013 12:00 AMESSEX -- Essex Historical Society is devoted to the preservation of buildings, especially in the interest of protecting our town’s unique historical nature. Now the society is asking for your help. EHS is looking for nominees for this year’s Preservation Award. If you know of a building in town that has been renovated or preserved, you can nominate it for the Preservation Award. Past winners have been the Ivoryton Library in 2011 and the Centerbrook Meetinghouse in 2012. Do you know of a building that should be honored this year?
The building can be either commercial or residential. It must have been erected prior to 1936. The historic character of the original structure has to have been preserved in keeping with the period it was initially constructed. From May 1 to May 31, residents may submit nominations of their choosing at the post offices in Essex, Ivoryton and Centerbrook. The votes will be tallied and the award will be presented at the Essex Historical Society’s Annual Strawberry Social on June 23 at 1 p.m., at Pratt House.