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04/15/2013 12:00 AM

Budget Primer Mailed

WESTBROOK - Helping connect more residents to the town budget process and budget details is the purpose of the plan to develop and mail to residents a town budget primer.

To inform town voters on the proposed 2013-2014 budget, the first selectman and the Board of Finance decided this year that the finance director should develop a budget primer that could be mailed to all residents. The brochure developed, called the Citizen's Guide to the Town of Westbrook Budget, was sent out to residents last week.

The document describes the budget development process and presents financial projections for next year's expenditures and revenue by spending category. The estimated mill rate needed to pay for the budget, should it be adopted at referendum, is also listed.

The proposed budget will be presented also at the annual public hearing on the budget scheduled for Wednesday, April 24. The annual town budget meeting, which is automatically adjourned to referendum, is set for Thursday, May 9. The annual town budget referendum vote will occur on Thursday, May 23. Both the public hearing and the budget meeting are scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. at Town Hall.

On this year's referendum ballot, electors will be asked to approve one budget question and three bonding questions. Together, the three bonding authorizations would permit the town to issue $7 million in debt to pay for planned capital projects and purchases by the Fire Department, the town, and the school district (see "Bond Plan Goes to Voters" at right).

The annual Town Meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, April 30, will be to act on other town action items including various appointments (including a new school projects building committee), an agreement to participate in the CPace program, and other action items. That meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at Town Hall.