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02/23/2013 11:00 PMCitizens will have to wait a bit to give their input on whether Branford should regulate sales of guns and ammunition in certain areas of town.
A public hearing tentatively set for Feb. 26 will take place on another date, yet to be announced. Meanwhile, a "special meeting" on Feb. 26 will allow the Ad Hoc committee, formed to consider creating a town ordinance regulating gun and ammunition sales, to meet for organizational purposes only.
"It will no longer be a public hearing but a 'special' meeting for organizational purposes," Representative Town Meeting (RTM) Fire Arms Sales Committee chair Adam Hansen (D; District 4)," noted for The Sound on Feb. 23.
Recognizing citizens may be eager to give input, Hansen said it was important to get the word out to clarify "special" meeting conversations have to "...relate directly to the agenda items and cannot stray." The special meeting agenda appears to the right of this story.
Due to information Hansen shared at the full RTM Feburary meeting, which was included in a recent story in The Sound, "... it has been highly publicized that a public hearing would tentatively be taking place that night, and I would hate to have a great number of citizens showing up and expecting a public hearing and instead listening to an organizational meeting," said Hansen.
Citizens can still attend the Feb. 26 organizational special meeting, set for 7 p.m. at Branford Fire Headquarters; recognizing it will not be a public hearing and that a public hearing will be held at a later date. The Sound will post word of the public hearing date as soon as it becomes scheduled.