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06/20/2012 10:00 AM

First Selectman Says CTA Petition Invalid

Close to 100 demonstrators had assembled by the time of this morning's 9 a.m. Board of Selectmen meeting.

Nearly 100 Clinton residents rallied on this morning on the Town Hall front lawn, chanting "Our vote counts" regarding the Clinton taxpayers Association (CTA)'s latest petition to overturn the approved referendum for a new Morgan School, asking to reduce the appropriation to $5 million.

Little did they know that just an hour later, First Selectman William "Willie" Fritz would announce at the special Board of Selectmen meeting that the CTA's second petition was in fact invalid.

"As you know next Tuesday, June 26, there's a petition filed for a special town meeting. There will not be a special town meeting on the 26th," said Fritz, who noted the original call had been approved by a substitute town attorney. Following further review, the selectmen learned "the call of a town meeting for anything other than what was already approved by the selectmen has to be voted on by the selectman. There was no vote, therefore there could not be a town meeting."

Check the June 28 Harbor News for the full story and additional reasons why the petition was declared invalid.