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06/19/2012 11:00 AM

'Forever Morgan'

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The Morgan School Class of 2012 assembled under blue skies June 18, bidding farewell to their high school days. Friends and family watched as each graduate walked across the stage, marking his or her last moments as students on the grounds of the school at which he or she had spent the last four years.

Class of 2012 President Gabrielle Butcher opened the ceremony by recalling her freshman year at Morgan, remembering former principal William Barney instilling three simple words into the class: "We are Morgan."

"To my class—I thank you all for giving me the best four years of my life and I wish you all the best in the future," Butcher said. "We are forever Morgan."

Valedictorian Kaitlyn Elliot addressed her classmates, recalling fond memories and singling out several classmates who made a difference in the school and in her life.

She remembered her dreams of being a princess and applied that vision to the future.

"I know that we all dreamed when we were younger to be a prince or princess, an astronaut or the president, and then we reach high school and we feel like nothing is possible, but who said we need to rule a nation to be a leader; who said we need to be an astronaut to reach the stars," Elliot said. "We can accomplish everything; we just need to find that little kid within us and dig up those pretty, pretty princess crowns and superhero costumes because everyone is royalty."

Salutatorian Tsering Lhamo and student representatives Casey Marsh and Sean O'Brien also spoke, thanking friends, family, teachers, and administrators. Board of Education Chairman Deborah Grass and Superintendent of Schools Jack Cross congratulated the graduates on their accomplishments.

Principal Keri Hagness recognized those who received awards at a recent senior award ceremony. She mentioned that the Class of 2012 dedicated its yearbook to teacher Gary Manser, who has been absent from school for the last year due to health reasons. He attended the ceremony and the class recognized his presence with a standing ovation.

Hagness said that each student has left his or her own unique mark on this school. She noted that some of the most valuable lessons will come from failure, and encouraged the grads to never give up on the journey of life.

"Each of your Morgan experiences has left an imprint on you as well as on us, and for some of that we'll never forget. Now it's time for each of you to take what you made of yourselves and make your own imprint on the world," she said. "I have high exceptions for the Class of 2012. Each of you have the potential—go out into the world now and make it happen."