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06/10/2010 04:00 AM

Massive Cupcakes for Charity

Six contenders commenced the sweet tooth battle of all battles at Hole in the Wall Deli in Branford last Saturday. The challenge: eating a giant, four-pound cupcake for charity. These bafflingly large, practically cake-sized cupcakes were consumed in an effort to raise money for Community Dining Room in Branford. Contestants raised a total of $2,335.50 combined. Frank "Ice Man" Noto raised a whopping $1,156 and Lindsey "Scrappy Do" Metcalf raised $620. Local merchants Donovan's Reef, Parthenon Diner, and Valentina's Home Design donated gift certificates as prizes for each contestant.

When all the crumbs were cleared, Joe "Wreckin'" Ball and Frank "Ice Man" Noto were victorious, having both consumed all of their cupcakes (Apple Crisp and Ice Box Cake, respectively). Here, Metcalf does some damage to the Birthday cupcake.

See more photos and a video from the event to the right.