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06/09/2010 12:00 AM

Clinton's 3rd Town Budget Referendum Successful

Around noon, voter turnout was light at Town Hall for the third go-round of the Clinton town budget referendum.

The third time was definitely the charm for the town of Clinton as voters successfully passed the $14.2 million town budget by a vote of 1,280 to 928, a difference of 352 votes.

It was a smaller turnout than the first and second referendums with about 2,200 residents and electors qualified to vote heading to the polls on a cool, mostly rainy day.

After the first $15 million town budget failed May 12, cuts were made to reduce the budget to $14.4 million. After the second referendum failed May 26, further cuts were made, bringing the budget down to $14.2 million, representing an increase of $140,267 from the current year's budget to the 2010-2011 fiscal year budget, which begins July 1. The reductions also meant several job cuts of part-time and full-time positions. In addition, jobs vacated by retirements will not be filled.

First Selectman William "Willie" Fritz, thanking the heavens that the budget passed, said "Any further reductions would have been cuts in personnel. It has been disheartening for employees to come to work these last two weeks not knowing what may happen tonight."

Immediately following the June 9 referendum, the Board of Finance met to set the tax collection rate at .9850 and set the mill rate for the 2010-2011 fiscal year at 22.41. The current mill rate, which ends July 1, is 21.88.