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11/09/2023 09:29 AM

Alfie & Me by Carl Safina

Alfie & Me

by Carl Safina

Alfie is an Eastern Screech Owl that Carl Safina acquires as a severely injured chick. He and his wife Patricia nurse her to health, and the book chronicles his observations and relationship with Alfie. She not only recovers, but she is eventually released, finds a mate, and nests in the nest box in Carl’s yard, raising three owlets. She allows Carl a front-row seat, observing owl behavior. He wrote this book during the COVID lockdown, which means he had plenty of time for reflection. Interspersed with owl observations, he writes essays exploring philosophy and analysis of the evolution of human beliefs and values. Admittedly, he is preaching to the choir as anyone picking up this book is probably going to already value nature, but his essays are moving and are cause for long consideration. Carl Safina lives on Long Island, boating and fishing on Long Island Sound, making his explorations and descriptions of scenes relatable to a reader familiar with the Shoreline.

Jen, Breakwater Books, Guilford