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07/20/2023 12:00 AMThe Shoreline Greenway Trail and the Shore Line Trolley Museum are partnering for a series of outdoor walks and talks this summer featuring beautiful sections of the shoreline, along with experts in discussion. The second event in the series will be Saturday, July 22. Participants will walk along the trolley line in Guilford and learn how Guilford was once a major hub for the trolley in the early 1900s. The group will meet at Guilford Town Hall, 31 Park Street, Guilford, at 10 a.m., then walk across the Green to Water Street and along Water Street to the former trolley barn at Water and River Streets. Please wear comfortable walking shoes and clothing and bring water. We will be walking mostly on sidewalks. The program will last approximately 90 minutes and will include a 1 ½ mile round trip. This event is free and open to all. For more information, email