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07/14/2023 08:18 AM

An Instant Swarm At The Buffet Table

I go to this fabulous party at my friend Cathy’s house every Fourth of July and every year the food is amazing. This year it was a pig roast, along with lots of apps, and sides, and delicious desserts. This year one of the guests attending the party also made pierogies. When I say she made them, yes, she cooked them up but she also, with her sister, owns the company that makes the pierogies, Jaju Pierogi ( When those pierogies hit the buffet table at the party, there was an instant swarm, soon they were gone. They are sold at both Big Y and Stop & Shop, along with some specialty markets, so you can try them too, or maybe bring them to your next party. Flavors include sweet potato and carmelized onion, cabbage and mushroom, spinach and cheddar, jalapeno feta, kielbasa and red pepper, and, of course, the classic, potato and cheese.

When these pierogies hit the buffet table at the party, there was an instant swarm, soon they were gone. Photo by Pem McNerney/Harbor News