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07/10/2023 08:46 AM

Car Washes to Benefit Trail Project

AJ LaFata will be holding two car washes at Palumbo’s Automotive, 1099 Boston Post Road, Guilford, to raise funds for his eagle scout project. The project, The Abraham Baldwin Trail, will include revitalizing a trail behind Baldwin Middle School used by students, faculty, and the public. Funds will be used to support construction of a kiosk and a bridge. The purpose of this project is to recognize and memorialize the actions of Abraham Baldwin during his time. Those who would like to support the project can drive their dirty cars to Palumbo’s on Saturday, July 22, and Saturday, Aug. 19, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

AJ LaFata will be holding two car washes at Palumbo’s Automotive, 1099 Boston Post Road, Guilford to raise funds for his eagle scout project.. Photo credit Donna LaFata