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07/28/2022 12:00 AM

Too Hot For You? Too Hot For Your Pets

The extremely temperatures we’ve been experiencing this summer can be highly dangerous for our pets:

•Heatstroke: Heatstroke comes on quickly and can be deadly if untreated. Avoid activity when the sun is high, provide lots of water, and watch for symptoms such as difficulty breathing, hypersalivation, red/dark tongue and gums, and collapse.

•Hot car confinement: Never leave your pets unattended in the car! Even in shade with cracked windows, temperatures soar and can cause heatstroke in a matter of minutes.

•Burned feet: Asphalt and concrete can be over 150°F in this heat! Hold the back of your hand to the ground for 7 seconds , if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your dog.

Avoid long walks, hikes, or vigorous activities during the heat of the day - get your exercise in the early morning or evening when it's cooler out. Always provide plenty of water and shade. Pets that are overweight, have long or darkly-colored coats, seniors, and short-nosed breeds (pugs, bulldogs, persian cats) are at a much higher risk of heatstroke. Every time temperatures spike, area veterinary ER see cases of heatstroke. It can affect any dog or cat, so please be careful out there. If you ever suspect your pet is overheating, call your closest ER immediately.

For more information, visit

If it’s too hot for you outside, your dog will suffer too. Short-nosed dogs, long-haired dogs, puppies, and senior dogs are most at risk. Cats can be affected as well. Chart courtesy of Pieper Veterinary Hospital