A Track Record and Willingness
I write to enthusiastically support the re-election of Senator Christine Cohen on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Many will be aware of Sen. Cohen’s achievements in the areas of the environment and transportation, but I wanted to tell a story about how her advocacy for a constituent has made a difference in the state in another area.
As an emergency physician who has worked in Connecticut for the last 23 years, I have witnessed the gradual worsening of conditions around the state regarding the practice of hospital boarding in the emergency department (ED). Boarding is the practice of keeping admitted hospital patients in the ED after a decision to admit the patient has been made. This leads to substandard care and constricts the ability to care for incoming emergency patients. It is likely many in our community have experienced delays in care or admission, and this is both a state and a national problem.
When I met with Sen. Cohen on this issue, she was able to help facilitate legislation leading to the formation of a state-wide workgroup that I currently co-chair. During the last legislative session, we successfully passed PA 24-4, the first law in the country to require hospital reporting of boarding practices, a crucial step in starting to look at solutions.
While this area of legislation was not specifically within her areas of committee work, she is extremely well respected in Hartford and knows how to get this done. Having someone in our district who has a track record and willingness to advocate for citizens in our district for areas within and outside of her areas of specific involvement is invaluable.
Please join me in reelecting Sen. Cohen in November.
Chris Moore