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10/02/2024 08:00 AM


In response to East Haven’s Democratic Board of Finance (BOF) member Chris Pedro’s letter to the editor (“Continually Impressed,” Sept. 19) supporting Christine Cohen for State Senate, I found it to be misleading. Christine Cohen has supported every tax increase put forth by the governor and her Democratically controlled Senate since being first elected in 2019. Most recently, she voted in favor of Governor Ned Lamont’s 2% tax increase on cars. Most disturbing to me and many other East Haven residents is her voting in favor of placing feminine hygiene pads in our East Haven Schools Boy’s bathrooms. She has also voted in favor of more restrictive gun laws that only hurt the legal gun owners in our state. We all know that criminals don’t care about any gun laws. According to the New American magazine’s Freedom Index, Christine Cohen’s Connecticut Legislative Scorecard, which is based on the principles of the U.S. Constitution, is rated “zero.” In closing, Mr. Perdo, as a member of the East Haven BOF, has also voted in favor of every tax increase put forth by Mayor Joseph Carfora’s administration. Many of us are sick and tired of the democratic mindset of tax, spend and borrow. I’ll be voting for Paul Crisci for State Senate.

Peter Cianelli

East Haven