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09/25/2024 08:00 AMWhile the national elections have been receiving a great deal of attention over the past few months we must remember that the local government and local officials have the greatest impact on our daily lives. One such example is Christine Cohen.
Senator Cohen has worked tirelessly in her first term to improve the lives of her constituents. This includes passing legislation to make community college free for Connecticut residents, promoting the small business economy in our state, working to reduce transportation emissions to make our air cleaner, and helping to write and pass the recent bipartisan budget that has paid down long-term debt, among many other things.
I recently had the opportunity to meet with Sen. Cohen at a town hall meeting, and I was amazed at her breadth of knowledge on every topic that came up. It was clear that she is not only an intelligent and highly skilled individual, but she also puts in a great deal of time and hard work to provide the best for Connecticut. I hope that all of your readers will join me in supporting and voting for Christine Cohen for the Connecticut State Senate.
Thomas R. Hummel