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09/25/2024 08:00 AM

Has All Three

Having served as this district’s state representative for six years, I understand what the job requires. There are three essential qualities needed, and Renee LaMark Muir has all three.

First, you must always think about what is best for the majority of the people you serve. For example, the vast majority of Americans (and that includes residents of Chester, Deep River, Essex, and Haddam) support a woman’s right to choose. Muir does. Her opponent, Kathryn Russell, has not taken a public stance on this vital issue to women.

Which leads to quality number two: transparency. Muir straightforwardly tells you what she believes. Unlike her opponent, she states her party affiliation on every mailing piece and poster. While folks can say they “look beyond party,” the reality is that life at the capitol runs very much on a two-party system. Given the behavior of Donald Trump, I don’t blame Russell for not wanting to be affiliated with him. But unless she publicly disavows that affiliation, she should have the power of her convictions to acknowledge it because the voters deserve honesty.

Finally, a good state representative understands the interplay among municipal, state, and federal elected officials. Both public policy and the funds to enact them often flow from state and/or federal sources into our towns. When I tried to discuss this with Russell, she refused, so I wonder how she could possibly advocate for school funding, bond money, Local Capital Improvement Program (LoCIP funds), and emergency federal aid if she does not see her role as a partner with local and federal elected officials.

When I decided not to run again for this seat, I did so confident at least one person had the qualities needed. That person is Renee LaMark Muir.

Christine Palm
