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09/18/2024 08:00 AM

Join Me

It is my great pleasure to write in support of Renee Lamark Muir for our next state representative for the 36th District. I am truly grateful that she is willing to accept the responsibility and continue the formidable representation we have had from retiring Christine Palm. Renee Lamark Muir has the skills, experience, and knowledge to provide the outstanding and comprehensive representation we have come to expect. Renee’s long 20-year career in law enforcement and recognized expertise as a criminal justice policy expert for our state legislature assures her knowledge and capabilities in dealing with the legislative process. She has also served as an analyst for the Legislature’s Program Review and Investigations Committee and participated in significant and effective criminal justice policy reforms that saved millions of dollars for taxpayers. In short, Renee has demonstrated a lifelong dedication to public service.

Having long standing familial ties to our District, Renee returned home from New York City where she went to college, and started a career in law enforcement eventually rising to homicide detective in Hartford. She has lived in Deep River since 1996 and has been active in her community as a volunteer. For example, she serves on the Deep River Economic Development Commission and is a member of its Zoning Board of Appeals. Renee knows that to be a good representative requires understanding the community and listening to those who live there. She is also a good leader and skilled manager. She is practical and thoughtful. She is strong and kind. She has a great sense of humor. She can be counted on to balance our individual and District’s needs with those of our State.

Check out her website,, make up your own mind, and then join me and vote for Renee Lamark Muir on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Al Saubermann

Deep River