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09/18/2024 08:00 AM

Always On Our Side

As a business owner, Connecticut’s high costs can sometimes be very difficult to navigate. The nonpartisan Tax Foundation ranked Connecticut 47th for business tax climate, only doing better than California, New Jersey, and New York. High taxes and the cost of doing business directly affect our quality of life and the expense of so many necessities.

Fortunately, we have a fighter in Hartford who has consistently pushed back against new taxes and fees that will only make things worse. Our state representative, Devin Carney, has always supported small businesses and always stood up for taxpayers. He was recently endorsed by the National Federation of Independent Businesses and consistently receives high marks from the Connecticut Business and Industry Association.

Devin defeated new sales taxes on accounting services and legal services, which would have added significant costs (imagine paying sales tax on a lawyer’s billable hours!). He defeated a new statewide property tax that was directly aimed at towns like Old Saybrook. He defeated new energy mandates that would have raised electricity prices even further.

All the while, he proposes and supports legislation to lower the cost of living in Connecticut, reduce costly mandates on businesses, and give our communities more freedom to reduce taxes.

Devin is the type of legislator we deserve and one that I hope we will re-elect this November. He has proven himself to be effective and always on our side.

Chelsea Grillo

Old Saybrook