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09/18/2024 08:00 AM

A Steady and Thoughtful Leader

In a time where the partisan divide seems to be at its worst and tensions are running high, I am so grateful to have a steady and thoughtful leader like Christine Cohen representing us in Hartford.

Christine has represented us in the State Senate for six years and has consistently demonstrated that she is a pragmatic and deeply kind individual who seeks agreement and consensus with all, even those that she disagrees with.

Christine is a leader who has cut the income tax for most residents for the first time in decades, cut taxes for seniors, and made historic payments on our debts - all while bringing millions of state dollars into Guilford and investing in the things we care about most like children’s mental health supports, nonprofits that support our most vulnerable residents and fighting climate change.

Christine brings people together and works alongside those from all parties to find common-sense solutions to the challenges we all face together. This November, Christine will be on the ballot as the endorsed candidate from the Democratic Party, the Independent Party, and the Working Families Party - a true testament to her ability to advance ideas - not ideology.

This November, I know I will be casting my vote to send Christine back to Hartford to keep fighting for us, and I hope you will join me.

Sandy Ruoff
