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09/04/2024 08:00 AM

Best Qualifies Her

This November, Cinizi Lettieri is running in an election for the opportunity to serve as the 35th District’s representative in Connecticut’s House of Representatives. Based on my experiences with her, I am excited to express my support for her campaign.

Cinzia is no stranger to service in our community: she serves on Clinton’s Planning and Zoning Commission, Clinton’s Water Pollution Control Commission, and as a volunteer with the Westbrook Girl Scouts. In the work I’ve done with her on the Planning and Zoning Commission, it is evident she is dedicated to her work and thoughtful in her actions. She does not let party affiliation stand in the way of what best serves the town and is guided by what is right and fair.

Her professional background as both a public school teacher and public policy advisor provide her insight on not only how to consider the needs of individuals but how to consider the needs of organizations at large. She carries this skill with her to her community work, whether it be in the consideration of an individual property or the entirety of our local infrastructure. She energetically moves from challenge to challenge, working tirelessly to solve complex and important issues with equity and empathy.

Cinizia’s personal and professional experience best qualifies her to be the representative for the 35th District. I will be proudly supporting her campaign this fall and encourage you to do so as well.

Zack Plourde
