To Support Our Library
The Scranton Library Friends exist to support our library. We couldn’t do what we do without the gracious help of our volunteers.
Our July book sale was a success due in large part to the efforts of Diane Vanacore, Lauire and Bob Gerard, Charles Reese, Barbara Cook, Judy Andrews, Arline Morrissey, Ingrid Oris, and Ann Byrne, who unload our collection bins bi-weekly, and sort the donations prior to the sale.
Assisting with the set up and actual sale were Betsey Piner, Matt Lubanko, Hank Robinson, Colleen Cummings, Mary Zoeckler, Pam Skelly, Gale Buckawick, Sally Slomba, Amy Jamison, Mary Jo Lee, Jean Pfeifer, Paula Chabot, Judy Sprotzer, Joyce Rourke, Agnes Wrath, Deb Halvorsen, and Alana Hoar.
We were also grateful for the smiling assistance of Carol Robinson who marks her 32nd year as a book sale volunteer.
Our final book sale of the year will be held on Sept. 19, 20, and 21. Until then, please consider donating your gently used books to our collection bins located on the porch or 24 Wall Street.
The Friends meet at 10 a.m. in the Scranton Library, on the third Wednesday of each month from September to June. We encourage the public to join us at any meeting.
Barbra Buckley, President
Scranton Library Friends