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08/07/2024 08:00 AM

Demonstrated Their Disrespect

By rejecting three petitions each signed by 90 Guilford residents at their July 15 meeting, the Board of Selectmen (BOS) once again demonstrated their disrespect for the citizens of Guilford.

According to the meeting minutes, the board voted unanimously to reject these petitions based on Town Counsel’s opinion that they were “not proper subjects for town meetings.” To be clear, there was zero discussion of the merits or concerns expressed in these petitions by the BOS at this meeting, only the acceptance of the opinion of our Town Counsel who is accountable to the BOS and not the citizens of Guilford. Let’s examine the Town Counsel’s legal opinions.

Two of these petitions cited language from our town charter, that “Special town meetings shall be called by the BOS whenever they deem it necessary.” In response, Town Counsel’s opinion was that “The Board cannot be compelled to ‘deem it necessary’ to exercise this authority.” What a ridiculous and embarrassing legal opinion. Of course, the BOS can call town meetings “whenever they deem necessary.”

Two petitions requested that questions be put on the Nov. 5 ballot: one to change the language in the town charter regarding town meetings and the other to seek the non-binding opinion of the citizens of Guilford regarding cannabis dispensaries. Counsel’s opinion was that the town charter could not be amended at special town meetings but only “by a vote open to the entire electorate.” An absurd opinion considering the petition asked for a special town meeting to craft charter language revisions to be voted on by the entire electorate on Nov. 5. Finally, Counsel said, “There is no general statutory authority which would authorize a municipality to seek an advisory opinion, via non-binding resolution, from the electorate.” So, what? A non-binding referendum about cannabis makes perfect sense.

Pete Connal
