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08/07/2024 08:00 AM

Consider the Following

Regarding your July 4 frontpage article, “BOS Eyes Grant Funds for $3.8M Academy Overruns,” please consider the following:

The central essence of the piece is that no matter the timing, the funding of the overrun will require a referendum approval vote by the Madison taxpayers! It was suggested that the timing is not important. Of course, it’s important!  Those political wonks who favor swift approval desire a February referendum date when the Madison snowbird taxpayer population is “out of town!” Those in-town Madison residents who may favor a more conservative fiscal approach would rather have the referendum in November during the Presidential election! Selectman Al Goldberg suggested that his motivation for the February date is “…to go to the public with a firm and fixed number that we all have confidence in.” Forgive me, Al, but I won’t tell you any of those ridiculous fairy tales if you don’t tell me any.

Your readership may be interested in “Who is Ralph Rotermund ?”  For a very long time, I owned and operated one of the largest Madison tax-contributing companies in town.

Ralph Rotermund
