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07/31/2024 08:00 AM

Shows Up for Us

Dave Yaccarino exemplifies what a great leader is. He makes decisions that are not always the popular party ones but the ones that will benefit the residents of North Haven. Dave has earned a reputation in Hartford as a bipartisan leader committed to representing his community. Throughout his tenure as our state representative for the 87th District, Dave secured millions of dollars in state grant money for upgrades and renovations throughout our town.

Dave is not just our state representative while in session in Hartford; he is our state representative 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He is an active community member, constantly engaging with neighbors and concerned residents at local events, the grocery store, or wherever you need him. Many of us know and see this firsthand.

Perhaps most impressive about Dave’s work as our state representative is his perfect 100% voting record, 14 years running. This is an incredible accolade and demonstrates his deep commitment to serving North Haven. Those challenging Rep. Yaccarino have failed to establish this level of dedication to our town and its residents, which comes from years of strong and honest advocacy. In fact, his opponent has missed two-thirds of meetings of the Zoning Board of Appeals, which he was appointed to in December 2023.

To be North Haven’s voice in Hartford, you have to show up. Dave Yaccarino shows up for us.

John Bimonte

North Haven