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07/31/2024 08:00 AM

Couldn’t Have Disagreed More

Last week, I received the Guilford Courier and read the article by Karen Isaacs of Ivoryton Playhouse's Mystic Pizza review (July 11). Since I was going to the play this week, I was disheartened with many of its negative comments about the music. Wow, I couldn't have disagreed more with her review. Of course, it was an afternoon performance filled with "older attendees." The music was dead on, and every song was so appropriate for the play and fun! I loved the music, the singers, the band, the whole performance! This isn't Broadway, but to me, it was even better. The performers were energetic and funny, and they were enjoying themselves. Maybe an afternoon performance with an audience who "gets" the music, wants to dance in the aisles, and enjoyed the effort of the performers has to be taken into account.

Catherine Provencher
