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07/24/2024 08:00 AM

Many Thanks

The Madison Exchange Club would like to thank the community for its overwhelming support of our 44th annual Independence Day parade. Many long-time residents have said that this year’s parade was one of the best, as was this year’s crowd of spectators. Special thanks to the Madison Police Department and Beach and Recreation for helping us keep an orderly march.

Most of all, we would like to thank our Madison Exchange Club members who volunteer countless hours and whose overwhelming dedication is paramount to our success in all of our endeavors. We are a diverse group of people who believe that we are making a difference in creating a better future for our community and raising awareness of the plight of abused children. Many thanks also to the families and friends of our members who are always there to help with the parade and our other activities.

Tony Raccio, Chairman

Charlie Corso, Sean Heenan, Nancy Smith, Members

Madison Exchange Club Parade Committee